Loops in a singly linked list
Given a Singly Linked List, the challenge is to find out if the tail is connected to the head, i.e. if we are dealing with a loop.
The (almost) brute force solution would be to traverse the list, starting at, and save the ids of each node into a data structure like a Set. For each new node, we check if that is already stored in the set, in which case, we are dealing with a loop.
Set should be able to return if it contains a given value in O(1), O(n) being the worst case. So, adding that to the O(n) time complexity of traversing the list in the first time, on average we should expect to get done in O(n). Not bad.
But, what if space complexity is a problem? Then we can traverse the list with two pointers, one traveling faster than the other. If, at some point, the faster overlaps the slower, then we know we have a loop. And we don’t need to maintain a Set or a hash table to keep track of the visited nodes. And we are still at a time complexity of O(n) (with no risk to fall down into O(n^2))
extension LinkedList {
func detectCycle() -> Bool {
var slow:NodeType? = self.head
var fast:NodeType? = self.head
var found = false
while slow != nil && fast != nil {
slow = slow?.next
fast = fast?.next?.next
if let s = slow, let f = fast {
if s == f {
found = true
return found
The entire example can fe found in the linked playground.